Astronomia UDP

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Characterization of IR bright protoclusters at z>4

We are characterizing the massive and IR bright protoclusters discovered by the SPT SMG survey of the southern sky. We are studying the cold ISM through deep ALMA band-1 observations of CO(2-1) in the iconic SPT2349-56 protocluster at z=4.3, and the environment and CGM around three other protoclusters at z>4 through VLT/MUSE observations of the rest-frame UV Ly-alpha line. The goals are to search for CO and Lyman-alpha emitters, and for Lyman-alpha extended emission (Ly-alpha blobs) that could be connected to the star forming nature of these systems (see Miller et al. 2018, Hill et al. 2020, Apostolovski et al. 2023).

Type of project: Research – actively recruiting new young researchers
Status: Ongoing
Researchers: Manuel Aravena, Manuel Solimano, Ana Posses
Funding source: FONDECYT Regular

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