Astronomia UDP

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Characterization of cometary dust

Comets serve as remarkable remnants of the primordial protoplanetary disk, offering invaluable insights into the origins of our Solar System, planetary formation, and the emergence of life on Earth. Of particular interest in comet studies is the cometary dust, which represents the most pristine material available for the investigation of the protoplanetary disk. We aim to map the thermal emissions from large dust particles over multiple ALMA bands to yield strong constraints on the millimeter-sized grains. We also study the dust composition via imaging and low-resolution spectroscopy in the MIR with VISIR. This study will shed light on our understanding of the formation of the protoplanetary disk of our Sun and possible disk processes for planet formation around other stars.

Type of project: Research – actively recruiting new young researchers
Status: Ongoing
Investigadores Bin Yang, Prachi Chavan
Funding source: FONDECYT Regular

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