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The ALMA CHAMPS large program

The COSMOS High-z ALMA-MIRI Population Survey (CHAMPS; PI: A. Faisst, co-PI: M. Aravena et al.) is an ALMA large program in Cycle 11 that will obtain a 0.18 deg2 blank-field survey at 1.1mm in the COSMOS field, covering 3x the area of existing ALMA surveys, to push our understanding of the dusty Universe. ALMA CHAMPS complements deep, high-resolution MIRI and NIRCam observations from two JWST Cycle 1 programs with essential sub-mm observations. This will enable us to construct UV-FIR multiwavelength SEDs of ~30,000 MIRI-detected sources, including ~1200 bright, dusty sources directly detected with ALMA out to z~6, and additional ~120,000 sources with NIRCam-only detections from stacking. With this large area, we will find dusty high-z galaxies and provide limits to sub-mm properties of fainter sources via stacking. This program provides a unique opportunity to combine cutting-edge multiwavelength data to robustly measure the amount of obscured star formation across cosmic time, and the evolution of the dust and gas properties of galaxies and AGN.

At IEA- UDP, we are focused on the study of the ~100s CO line emitters expected in CHAMPS, their characterization, and measurements of the CO luminosity function and evolution of the cosmic molecular gas density.

Type of project: Research – actively recruiting new young researchers
Status: Ongoing
Investigadores Manuel Aravena
Funding source: CATA2

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