Astronomia UDP


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Studying galaxies’ ISM and environments at high redshifts is an essential component to study galaxy evolution. With this in mind, this thesis

El objetivo de este proyecto es presentar un análisis de los entornos y tasas de ocurrencia de supernovas de colapso de núcleo (CCSN) en el surveyASASSN, para...

Nuestro objetivo es contribuir a la comprensión de la evolución de los discos y la formación de planetas, vinculándolos a través del estudio de las primeras etapas...

This PhD thesis project are based on the study of objects located in Ophiuchus, the molecular cloud with the largest population of

We are reaching a critical moment where sub-arcsec observations are key to disentangle the physical mechanisms that shaped young galaxies at z

In the first project of this thesis, we studied galaxies with faster inside-out assembly at lower redshifts using data from SDSS, WISE,

4MOST is an upcoming spectroscopic survey that throughout 5 years will obtain spectra of tens of millions of sources in the southern

The Rubin Observatory Legacy Survey of Space and Time (LSST) will observe 20,000 square degrees repeatedly throughout 10 years in 6 photometric

The Rubin Observatory Legacy Survey of Space and Time (LSST) will observe 20,000 square degrees repeatedly throughout 10 years in 6 photometric

Hot Dust Obscured Galaxies, or Hot DOGs, are some of the most luminous obscured quasars known in the Universe. Quasars and mergers,

Hot Dust Obscured Galaxies represent a significant fraction of the most luminous heavily obscured quasars known in the Universe. A small subset

In this project, we focus on a sample of radio-loud quasars at z>3.5 with deep VLT/MUSE data. We study the properties of