Astronomia UDP

Visitors/Former Members

Camilo González Ruilova

I am a joint USACH-UDP postdoctoral researcher as part of the YEMS Núcleo Milenio. I recently obtained my PhD degree from UDP. My research focuses on planet formation, primarily using (sub)mm observations to investigate protoplanetary disks and their structures, such as flows, envelopes, rings, gaps, and spirals. Current position: Postdoctoral researcher USACH-UDP Projects: My research …

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Guodong Li

I am a PhD student visiting from the Chinese Academy of Sciences. I work on the study of AGN, galaxy evolution and low-redshift Hot Dust-Obscured Galaxies Current position: Visiting student from Chinese Academy of Sciences Projects: Searching for Low-redshift Hot Dust-Obscured Galaxies Highlights: Publications: Extracurricular activities: N/A

Dejene Zewdie Woldeyes

I am a former graduate student at UDP, working on AGN and galaxy evolution in high redshift quasars and their environments. Current position: Former graduate student. Currently postdoctoral researcher at North-West University in South Africa Projects: Currently, I am working on IMACS deep images in the g, r, and i-bands. My aim is to survey …

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Thallis Pessi

I am an ESO postdoctoral fellow starting in 2024, who recently graduated from IEA-UDP. I work on the study of supernova and transient events. My research primarily centers on supernova explosions, with special attention to the environments where these explosions occur and their relationship with progenitor stars. Current position: Former graduate student Projects: My research …

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