I am a PhD student studying super-Eddington accretion around super-massive black holes in the centers of active galaxies.
Current position: PhD student
I am interested mainly in the most energetic processes in the Universe, such as accretion onto supermassive black holes in the centers of active galaxies. During my Master’s project I found passion in studying heavily obscured active galactic nuclei, where I was deriving complex geometrical and physical characteristics of the deeply buried accreting systems. I am also interested in starburst galaxies such as Green Peas and the possible contribution of star-forming galaxies to the reionization of the young Universe, which was the main object of the research in my Bachelor’s thesis.
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Actividades extracurriculares:
Outside of the academic soil I am passionate free-skier who loves to do ski-touring in the winter season and rock-climbing in the summer. I like to spend my free time in the mountains and surrounded by the nature and animals.