I am a postdoctoral researcher at Universidad de Santiago de Chile (USACH). I worked formerly at IEA-UDP as a postdoctoral researcher in the group of Paula Jofré. I specialize in infrared spectroscopy.
Current position: Former postdoctoral researcher at IEA-UDP. Currently, postdoc at USACH
My primary goal is to recalibrate atomic information related to the absorption lines observed in the spectrum of stars. This allows for a differential analysis approach, providing accurate and precise measurements of chemical abundances. Most of my work involves working with CRIRES+ and WINERED spectra obtained from different types of astrophysical objects. I study a wide range of subjects, from the crucial Gaia Benchmark Stars (GBS) to Type II Cepheids in the Bulge region. Additionally, I have a strong interest in investigating n-capture elements in the infrared regime, as they provide valuable insights into the chemical evolution of our Galaxy.
Aspectos destacados:
I’m a member of the WINERED collaboration and the GBS collaboration. As a result of my research project with WINERED spectra, I recently released the results of my analysis of the time-series spectra of classical Cepheids where their atomic information was recalibrated in order to obtain consistent abundance with the optical, this can be found in Elgueta+23.
Actividades extracurriculares:
I used to play the guitar a lot, and now I’m coming back to it. I also play basketball twice per week when it doesn’t rain.