Astronomia UDP


Yaherlyn Díaz

I am a Fondecyt postdoctoral researcher whose work focuses on studying the relationship between the gas and dust torus and the central mechanism in active galactic nuclei. Current position: Postdoctoral researcher Projects: My work focuses on studying the relationship between the gas and dust torus and the central mechanism in active galactic nuclei. Highlights: Publications: …

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Picture of Danielle de Brito Silva

Danielle de Brito Silva

I am a postdoctoral researcher at IEA-UDP, who recently graduated from IEA-UDP. I am interested in Galactic Archaeology. My main goal is to understand the evolution of the Milky Way and how it connects with the evolution of galaxies in general. To do so, I use two main approaches, one classic and one innovative. In …

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Elena Shablovinskaya

I am a postdoctoral researcher focused on studying the parsec-scale central region of AGN through X-ray, radio, and optical observations. Current position: Postdoctoral researcher Projects: I am currently analyzing variability patterns in the X-ray and sub-mm radiation of the hot corona near supermassive black holes. On the bigger spatial scales, using optical observations, I study …

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