Astronomia UDP


Roberto Serafinelli

Roberto Serafinelli

Current position: Postdoc I am a CAS/ANID post-doctoral researcher at UDP. I study active galactic nuclei, mostly in the X-rays. Projects I am currently studying warm absorbers, i.e. outflowing gas that absorbs the X-ray emission from the central source, in local AGN. The origin and location of this gas outflowing from the innermost parts of …

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Yasna Órdenes-Briceño

I am a postdoctoral researcher in astrophysics, funded by the joint ESO committee. I work alongside Professor Evelyn Johnston. I study the baryonic component of galaxies with different sizes and morphologies in the Local Universe and located in different environments: groups or clusters of galaxies Current Position: Postdoctoral researcher Projects: I focus on the properties …

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Joshua Povick

I am a postdoctoral researcher working with the ERIS collaboration, focused primarily with spectroscopic data from the Apache Point Observatory Galactic Evolution Experiment (APOGEE), which is part of the larger Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS).  Current Position: Postdoctoral researcher Projects: I explore the mass assembly of the Milky Way using its dwarf satellites to better …

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Regis Cartier

I am a postdoctoral researcher working on time domain research and mainly focused on the study of Supernovae and their progenitors. Current Position: Postdoctoral fellow Projects: Study observations of SNe to understand their explosion mechanism and their progenitors. I’m also interested in the use of SNe Ia as distance indicators and to determine the value …

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Devika Shobhana

I am a postdoctoral researcher, interested in the co-evolution of galaxies and AGN, and particularly in luminous Hot Dust Obscured Galaxies (Hot-DOGs), radio galaxies and Lyman break galaxies Current Position: Postdoctoral researcher Projects: 1) Hot Dut Obscured Galaxies (HotDOGs) are a rare class of high redshift (z > 1) dusty hyper-luminous galaxies identified with the …

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Kseniia Telikova

I am currently an ALMA-ANID postdoctoral fellow working on the ALMA-CRISTAL project. This project aims to study star-forming galaxies in the first billion years of the Universe at kpc spatial resolution. Position: ALMA ANID postdoctoral fellow Projects Under the ALMA-CRISTAL project, my specific focus is to perform detailed kinematic analysis based on ALMA observations for …

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Arghajit Jana

I am a FONDECYT postdoctoral fellow at UDP, working on the Changing-look AGNs, obscuration properties of AGNs, and X-ray polarization. Position: Postdoctoral fellow Projects Highlights Member of the SDSS-V, LSST AGN Science and SKA-India collaboration. Publications Extracurricular activities Wildlife Photography. Personal Website

Suman Saha

I am postdoctoral researcher using the transit method to study exoplanets using observations from space-based telescopes, like TESS and CHEOPS etc. I also work on modeling of exomoon transits and their detection techniques. Current Position: Postdoctoral researcher Projects: N/A Highlights: N/A Publications Extracurricular activities Travelling and music

Mai Liao

I am a postdoctoral researcher, working on the study of AGN multi-band emission, AGN outflows, and time domain monitoring of AGN. Current position: Postdoctoral researcher Projects: Hot DOGs (probe AGN outflows and feedback), AGN transients (understand AGN accretion process and enviroment), radio-quiet quasars (study the radio emission of AGN main population) Highlights: N/A Publications:!type%3Daqp%20v%3D%24fq_database%7D&fq_database=database%3A%20astronomy&q=author%3A(%22Liao.%2CMai%22)&sort=date%20desc%2C%20bibcode%20desc&p_=0 …

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Trisha Bhowmik

I am a Fondecyt postdoctoral researcher focused on understanding planet and satellite formation using VLT/SPHERE, ALMA and HST observations. Current position: Postdoctoral researcher Projects: My two major projects currently involve the search for exo-satellites in the archival data of SPHERE and HST/NICMOS observations and the demographic study of bright disks in Ophiuchus Disk Survey Employing …

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