Astronomia UDP

Ana Carolina Posses Nascimento

I am a postdoctoral researcher starting at U. Texas A&M in the second semester 2024. I graduated from UDP at the end of 2023. I work on galaxy evolution, particularly in the first half of universe time.

Current position: Visiting researcher from U. Texas A&M


I have been working on high-resolution observations with ALMA of the [CII] emission in typical star-forming galaxies at z > 5. My work analyzing COS2987 (z = 6.8) has already been published and I am currently working with galaxy CRISTAL-5/HZ3 (z = 5.5), analysing the 3d cube ALMA observations, and comparing with rest-frame-UV and near-infrared counterparts. These interesting study cases help me to answer the following questions: What do the first galaxies look like? What physical mechanisms have shaped the structure and dynamics of these galaxies’ gaseous and dust components? What is the origin of the extended emission around these galaxies, known as [CII] halos? What is the dynamical state of early galaxies? This work aligns with the ALMA-CRISTAL survey, which is a census of the gas, dust, and stars in star-forming galaxies when the Universe was ~1 billion years old.

Aspectos destacados:

I am currently a member of the international collaboration of the ALMA Large Program CRISTAL ([CII] resolved ISM in star-forming galaxies with ALMA) survey.


Actividades extracurriculares: