I am a full professor at IEA/UDP studying active supermassive black holes (better known as AGNs) and how they affect the evolution of the galaxies they are in.
Current Position: Full professor (Titular)
I would split my research into three areas. The first one is studying the most luminous AGNs that are completely obscured, a group of objects we call Hot Dust Obscured Galaxies or Hot DOGs. The second area is focused on preparations for the Vera Rubin Legacy Survey of Space and Time (LSST) project, which will study, among many other things, a tremendously large number of AGNs. Lastly, I am also working on preparations for the public survey 16 of the 4MOST project, called ChANGES.
- NASA recognition for the work on the study of Hot DOGs.
- A publication I would highlight is this one: https://ui.adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2018ApJS..234…23A/abstract , where we present one of the largest catalogs of AGNs in the literature.
Extracurricular activities
Playing guitar / being a dad