Astronomia UDP

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An INSANE week

INSANE (Ideas Nuevas y Sinergias para la Astronomía Nacional Emergente) is a programme funded by the ESO-Chile committee which was obtained by the Astronomy Nucleus with the idea to develop the PhD programme through a visit of someone that might have recently arrived in Chile as a faculty member of an astronomy group outside Santiago. With this, the Nucleus can foster new national networks and give an instance for students of different universities to meet and discuss topics of common interest.

This time we had the pleasure to receive Giovanni Leone from Atacama University. He gave lectures about planetary geography and gave a colloquim about space mining.

In this picture we are gladly celebrating with a nice cocktail, sharing the experience and hosting students from different universities. We are all very happy because this marks in-person social activities, something we learnt to really miss during the pandemic! It is good feeling to have reasons to spend time together again!