Astronomia UDP

Kseniia Telikova

I am currently an ALMA-ANID postdoctoral fellow working on the ALMA-CRISTAL project. This project aims to study star-forming galaxies in the first billion years of the Universe at kpc spatial resolution.

Position: ALMA ANID postdoctoral fellow


Under the ALMA-CRISTAL project, my specific focus is to perform detailed kinematic analysis based on ALMA observations for the dynamical characterization and classification of early galaxies at redshift z~4-6. Besides this, I am working on the thermal state of the gas in high-redshift galaxies at z~2 using optical absorption spectroscopy of the bright background quasars.


  • Member of the ALMA-CRISTAL project
  • Member of the LVM/SDSS-V
  • Member of the 4MOST (S6 – AGN Survey).
