Astronomia UDP

Stellar and Galactic astronomy

Descubren galaxia de disco más lejana parecida a la Vía Láctea 

Sorprendió a los investigadores por su forma ordenada, pese a estar en una etapa temprana de la formación del universo. En el equipo está el Investigador Asociado del CATA Manuel Aravena. La galaxia de disco denominada REBELS-25 pudo ser observada tal como era hace 700 millones de años, un 5% de la edad actual del …

Descubren galaxia de disco más lejana parecida a la Vía Láctea  Read More »

Chilean Astronomers see a massive black hole awaken in real time – Claudio Ricci and Roberto Assef participated.

In late 2019 the previously unremarkable galaxy SDSS1335+0728 suddenly started shining brighter than ever before. To understand why, astronomers have used data from several space and ground-based observatories, including the European Southern Observatory’s Very Large Telescope (ESO’s VLT), to track how the galaxy’s brightness has varied. In a study out today, they conclude that they …

Chilean Astronomers see a massive black hole awaken in real time – Claudio Ricci and Roberto Assef participated. Read More »

Picture of Thallis Pessi

Observations from Chile Provide New Evidence on the Number of Supernovas that Occur in Galaxies

Using the Very Large Telescope located on Cerro Paranal, a research team of researchers have discovered that smaller galaxies, (those containing a lower proportion of metals), are capable of generating a greater number of supernova explosions from massive stars. 06 / 11 / 2023 More than a hundred galaxies were observed by an international research …

Observations from Chile Provide New Evidence on the Number of Supernovas that Occur in Galaxies Read More »