Astronomia UDP

Alejandra Rojas Lilayú

I am a postdoctoral researcher working on the 4MOST/ChANGES and BASS surveys. My current research interests include multiphase AGN-driven outflows (ionized, molecular), and the characterization of their hosts through SED models to test feedback effects.

Current position: Former CATA postdoctoral fellow (PUC-UDP). Currently, faculty at USM, Chile.


My current projects include the selection of AGN and the characterization of their hosts through SED models for the 4MOST/ChANGES survey.  Additionally, I’m leading two projects in the BASS Survey: the multiwavelength SED modeling of BASS AGN hosts, and the study of multiphase AGN-driven outflows and feedback effects using MUSE and ALMA data for a subsample of BASS.


Main collaborations:

  • BAT AGN Spectroscopic Survey (BASS,
  • Chilean AGN/Galaxy Evolution Survey (ChANGES): ESO 4MOST Extragalactic Community Survey S16


Extracurricular activities:

  • Watercolor painting and sports – Serving as a mentor in the PROVOCA program, an AUI/NRAO initiative that aims to increase the participation, retention and promotion of women and other underrepresented minorities in STEM (
  • I started the outreach project “Astroacuarela”, a watercolour workshop to teach astronomical topics using painting techniques ( This workshop has been given to seniors in the “Casas del Adulto Mayor de la Municipalidad de Antofagasta” and I plan to expand the activity to kids and general public.