Astronomia UDP


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Postdoctoral fellowship for studying galaxy evolution at cosmic noon

The Instituto de Estudios Astrofísicos (IEA) at Universidad Diego Portales (UDP) invites applications for a postdoctoral research fellowship to study the assembly of galaxies at cosmic noon (z~1-3). The postdoctoral fellow will use state-of-the-art high-resolution CO and dust continuum data from the ALMA CONDOR large program (LP) to conduct detailed studies of disk galaxy structure, …

Postdoctoral fellowship for studying galaxy evolution at cosmic noon Leer más »

Open Faculty position at IEA UDP

The Institute of Astrophysical Studies (IEA) of Universidad Diego Portales is looking to hire at least one faculty member at the Assistant, Associate, or Full Professor level. The requirements are a Ph.D. in astronomy or a closely related field and a demonstrated ability and commitment to excellence in independent research. Experience in leading research groups, managing grants, …

Open Faculty position at IEA UDP Leer más »

Open PhD positions for 2025

The Institute of Astrophysical Studies at Universidad Diego Portales is excited to announce the opening of applications for its Ph.D. program in Astrophysics for the academic year 2025. This four-year program invites passionate individuals to dive into the fascinating fields of planetary systems, stellar and galactic astronomy, extragalactic astronomy, and numerical relativity. Please Join our …

Open PhD positions for 2025 Leer más »

Alice Zurlo

Destacan el Trabajo de la Profesora Alice Zurlo en Diario Italiano: L’astronoma di Bassano Che Sussurra ai Pianeti

Alice Zurlo – Il Giornale di Vicenza (Italia) 29 / 12 / 2023 This article, which appeared on the cover of the December 28 issue, “concerns a study of the star V960 Mon, more than 5,000 light years away, captured by the SPHERE instrument on ESO’s VLT. The polarized image of the star reveals surprising …

Destacan el Trabajo de la Profesora Alice Zurlo en Diario Italiano: L’astronoma di Bassano Che Sussurra ai Pianeti Leer más »

Picture of Thallis Pessi

Observaciones Desde Chile Entregan Nueva Evidencia Sobre la Cantidad de Supernovas que Ocurren en las Galaxias

Using the Very Large Telescope located on Cerro Paranal, a research team of researchers have discovered that smaller galaxies, (those containing a lower proportion of metals), are capable of generating a greater number of supernova explosions from massive stars. 06 / 11 / 2023 More than a hundred galaxies were observed by an international research …

Observaciones Desde Chile Entregan Nueva Evidencia Sobre la Cantidad de Supernovas que Ocurren en las Galaxias Leer más »