Astronomia UDP


Postdoctoral fellowship for studying galaxy evolution at cosmic noon

The Instituto de Estudios Astrofísicos (IEA) at Universidad Diego Portales (UDP) invites applications for a postdoctoral research fellowship to study the assembly of galaxies at cosmic noon (z~1-3). The postdoctoral fellow will use state-of-the-art high-resolution CO and dust continuum data from the ALMA CONDOR large program (LP) to conduct detailed studies of disk galaxy structure, …

Postdoctoral fellowship for studying galaxy evolution at cosmic noon Leer más »

Open Faculty position at IEA UDP

The Institute of Astrophysical Studies (IEA) of Universidad Diego Portales is looking to hire at least one faculty member at the Assistant, Associate, or Full Professor level. The requirements are a Ph.D. in astronomy or a closely related field and a demonstrated ability and commitment to excellence in independent research. Experience in leading research groups, managing grants, …

Open Faculty position at IEA UDP Leer más »

Estudiantes se acercan a las estrellas gracias a taller realizado por CATA

With the aid of a talk and practical activities given by astronomers from the Center for Astrophysics and Related Technologies (CATA), students from the Liceo Cervantes were able to learn about the origin and evolution of galaxies. How can the distance to stars be measured? This was one of several questions that, in a practical …

Estudiantes se acercan a las estrellas gracias a taller realizado por CATA Leer más »

Profesora Evelyn Johnston fue Tutora de Escuela de Observación en el Observatorio La Silla

The IEA UDP professor commented that “the school was a success, all students achieved the goals of their projects and presented good results, some of which may lead to publications next year.” 01/03/2024 During February, Evelyn Johnston, assistant professor at the Institute of Astrophysical Studies at the Diego Portales University, participated as a tutor at …

Profesora Evelyn Johnston fue Tutora de Escuela de Observación en el Observatorio La Silla Leer más »

Erika Labbé Realizó Seminarios y Talleres en la Universidad de Padova, Italia

“Before the workshops, for our team the words ‘inclusive dissemination’ were just words, but now they have become a motivating idea that everyone is thinking about how to approach,” they noted from the European university. 01/18/2024 The astronomer and dissemination coordinator of the Institute of Astrophysical Studies of the Diego Portales University, Erika Labbé, traveled …

Erika Labbé Realizó Seminarios y Talleres en la Universidad de Padova, Italia Leer más »

Equipo del Instituto de Estudios Astrofísicos UDP Realizó Actividades de Inclusión en San Pedro de Atacama y en la Región de Los Lagos

They developed events such as training, inclusive astronomy workshops, experiences with tactile models of the solar system and stories of astronomical experiences for officials, teachers, and students in the area. 18 / 01 / 2024 In October and November 2023, a team of academics and students from the Institute of Astrophysical Studies (IEA) of the …

Equipo del Instituto de Estudios Astrofísicos UDP Realizó Actividades de Inclusión en San Pedro de Atacama y en la Región de Los Lagos Leer más »